Saturday, January 17, 2009

2 Weeks of Xavier

I can't believe that Xavier has been part of our family for only two weeks, it feels like he's always been part of our family. Here is a link to the most recent photos of Xavier.

We got scolded (well not really) by the pediatrician for letting him eat a few ounces and fall asleep for a little while and then eat a few more ounces. The new regiment is that we "encourage" him to stay awake and drink a whole bottle before we let him go to sleep. Hopefully, we will all get more sleep this way. The pediatrician says that he is healthy and doing fine.

Xavier has also started to laugh occasionally. He found the pediatrician very funny and we can get him to laugh by holding him up in the air and smiling at him.

Weight: 12 pounds 13 ounces (or 5.81 kilograms for the Canadians)
Height: 24.5 inches (62.23 centimeters)

This blog post by Christian King